Latest News from the Zapiet team
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery
Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code

Week 24 • Improvements in design, enhancements to the checkout widget, and fixes for rate bugs

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Shared by Merchant Support • June 17, 2024

Here are the latest improvements to our apps! 🚀

Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

  • We've implemented various design improvements.
  • Adjusting the order total in Shopify now also updates the order total in our app.
  • Our app name in Shopify admin has been changed to Zapiet Pick+Delivery.
  • An issue where not all pickup locations were displayed in the checkout widget has been resolved.
  • Previously, delivery slot order limits did not update when an order was edited. The slot limit report failed to show updated orders and the calendar did not hide days where the slot limit was reached. These issues have been fixed.
  • Uniform wording can now be used for both the cart and the checkout widget. All relevant text can be modified in Settings > Text and Design.
  • An issue where rates were not added to the Shopify shipping profile in case of synchronization errors has been fixed.
  • In the Setup wizard, default rates were being created as location-specific rates. This issue has been resolved.

Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code

  • We've made some improvements to ensure the app operates more smoothly.
  • We corrected an issue where reports on the dashboard only displayed data for one day. Now, the reports show data for the past seven days.
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

Week 23 • Widget update banner, Checkout widget improvements, and Roadie bug fixes

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Shared by Merchant Support • June 10, 2024

We've made our app even better! 🚀

  • A fix has been made for the bug where only the active app window was dimmed while the ‘Enter security code’ modal was active. Now, the entire page is dimmed when the modal is opened.
  • An issue where our checkout widget removed note attributes from other apps has been resolved.
  • Disruption to orders being sent to Roadie has been resolved with all orders now flowing as expected.
  • Merchants using an outdated version of our widget can now update to the latest version of the app using a self-service button on a banner added to the dashboard.
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery
Zapiet - Product Rates

Week 22 • Checkout extension improvements and bug fixes

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Shared by Merchant Support • June 03, 2024

We've made even more improvements to our apps! 🚀

Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

  • We’ve fixed the issue where an error message was missing from our checkout extension widget when the minimum order value condition was not met. The correct error message now appears on the widget.


Zapiet - Product Rates

  • The issue where surcharges were not being applied to the rate for automatic collections has been resolved. Rates will now correctly display surcharge values for automatic collections.
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

Week 21 • A trio of design improvements

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Shared by Merchant Support • May 27, 2024
  • You can now skip the setup guide and reopen it later when you're ready to complete the setup.
  • Our app will display an error message if a required field is empty, rather than disabling the save button.
  • We've given a fresh new look to our support page.
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

Week 20 • Conditional activation bug fix and checkout extension improvements

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Shared by Merchant Support • May 20, 2024

Several bugs in our app have been zapped! 🐛

  • Your Shopify Shipping confirmation emails will now be sent for store pickup orders when our pickup notifications are disabled and orders are fulfilled right in Shopify.
  • We've also resolved an issue with our Shopify Inventory Integration. You can now activate the integration and connect your locations without any problems!
  • The problem with the checkout widget, where a default delivery option wasn't preselected on your first visit to the checkout page, has also been sorted out.
  • The issue with the checkout widget where a default delivery option wasn’t preselected on your first visit to the checkout page has also been sorted out.
  • We've also fixed the issue of hiding delivery options when using conditional activation. Now, if your cart total is below the minimum order value, and you add an additional item into the cart, the button will appear automatically.
  • Lastly, all your orders made through our last-mile delivery integrations are now fulfilled in Shopify when you enable the fulfillment setting in our app.
New feature
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

SMS notifications, ability to create discount codes in Zapiet, and checkout extension improvements

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Shared by Merchant Support • May 17, 2024

We're excited to share new features and improvements which we think you'll love!

New features

  • You can now create discount codes directly in our app! These codes are compatible with the checkout widget, and you don't have to worry about them being used across other delivery options.
  • We've introduced SMS notifications! 📳 Your customers and your team can now receive SMS notifications about order updates. Please do keep in mind that charges apply for this service.

We've also squashed some bugs! 🐛

  • Our integration with Recharge now supports different subscription frequencies for the same customer within the same order.
  • You can now choose if you want the time slot for delivery to be automatically selected or not, in both the cart and the checkout widget.
  • We've significantly boosted the performance of our order processing.

Checkout widget

  • Awesome news—store pickup now supports an unlimited number of locations. Customers can easily view a paginated list of locations.
  • You can now modify all the wording in the Text and Design settings.
  • Lastly, for a smoother experience, the calendar now opens within the page at checkout, instead of popping up.
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery
Zapiet - Product Rates
Zapiet - Rates by Distance

Week 19 • Bug fixes and inventory integration & rates page improvements

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Shared by Merchant Support • May 13, 2024

We've successfully tackled some bugs in our apps last week! 🐛

Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

  • We’ve corrected the issue on the rates page where the “Free pickup rate” checkbox remained unticked even after setting the default rate amount to £0.
  • We’ve resolved an issue when the “Add rate” button in the Rate Setup Wizard was automatically preselected for the new installs.
  • We've also addressed the problem where an authentication message was displayed when trying to use the Shopify inventory integration feature.

Zapiet - Product Rates

  • There was a minor issue with the “Add products” modal when attempting to add more products immediately after closing it. You can now open the modal without any issues.
  • An unwanted zero appeared at the bottom of the settings page when rates were disabled—we've resolved this.
  • The problem that prevented some of you from enabling or disabling Zapiet - Product Rates has been fixed.

Zapiet - Rates by Distance

  • We've resolved the problem where certain rate conditions were not functioning correctly on some stores.
New feature
Zapiet - Product Rates

Group products by collections

Merchant Support avatar
Shared by Merchant Support • May 09, 2024

We're excited to share that we've rolled out a new feature for Zapiet - Product Rates! 🚀

  • When you're setting up your product groups, you now have the freedom to add products one by one, or include entire collections. Enjoy!
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery
Zapiet - Rates by Distance

Week 18 • Bug fixes for our widget and improvements for last mile delivery integrations

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Shared by Merchant Support • May 06, 2024

Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

We've squashed some bugs! 🐛

  • We've fixed an issue where the pickup location parameter in the _ZapietID didn't match with the pickup location ID in the order details.
  • Say goodbye to the problem that caused order items not to appear in Zippykind when an order was sent to this last-mile delivery provider.
  • We've tidied up a display issue where the pickup date picker didn't appear when our widget reached a certain width in the Chrome browser. It will now show up, no matter the widget's width.
  • We've addressed an issue where orders marked as dispatched were not getting fulfilled in Shopify when a change in order status was detected in the Shipday last-mile delivery provider.
  • No more issues where order status changes didn't always save properly, requiring multiple attempts to save the status changes.
  • We've solved an issue where orders were still automatically getting fulfilled despite having disabled this feature in the app.
  • We've fine-tuned the conditional activation in our checkout widget, ensuring all items in the cart are delivery-eligible before allowing checkout. Previously, checkout was allowed if only a single product was delivery-eligible.

Zapiet - Rates by Distance

We've squashed some more bugs 🐛

  • We've corrected an issue in rate calculation where the state from the address was incorrectly used. Despite “Selangor” being entered at checkout, “Kuala Lumpur” was used as shown in the logs, resulting in a lower delivery rate.
New feature
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery
Zapiet - Rates by Distance

Week 17 • Delivery validation improvements and bug fixes

Merchant Support avatar
Shared by Merchant Support • April 29, 2024

Here's what our amazing development team has been up to last week! 👀

Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

New feature 🚀

  • We introduced a new feature for delivery validation that allows customers to use their current location for delivery validation. If not required, you can disable it and the pop-up requesting customers for their current location will not appear.

Bug fixes 🐛

  • We addressed an issue with the checkout widget where customers selected pickup, but the delivery method still appeared as active.
  • We fixed an issue with the checkout widget where switching between delivery options caused incorrect additional details to display in the Shopify order view.
  • We resolved a bug where the inventory integration was not displayed as connected when it actually was.

Zapiet - Rates by Distance

  • We significantly optimized rates to ensure the app's stability.