Latest News from the Zapiet team
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery
Zapiet - Rates by Distance

Week 16 • Multilingual checkout rates issue and POS security code error fix

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Shared by Merchant Support • April 23, 2024

Step into the new era of innovation with our latest bug fixes!

Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

  • We resolved an issue with rates failing if the checkout was loading in any language other than English.
  • We fixed an issue with the POS system, where an error message prevented the entry of the pickup security code when marking an order as picked up.

Zapiet - Rates by Distance

  • We resolved an issue with rates where the maximum distance could not be set to “No maximum”. This was causing it to reset to 0 and causing rates to fail.
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

Design updates to the Zapiet admin

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Shared by Merchant Support • April 16, 2024

Your Zapiet admin experience should now feel better and closer to Shopify. We updated colors, icons and the design to match what you're used to seeing on your store admin pages, along with a few usability tweaks.

We enjoyed working on this update, and we hope you'll feel the same using it!

Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

Rate performance improvements and various widget, LMD and POS bug fixes

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Shared by Merchant Support • April 05, 2024

More improvements coming your way 🚀

We have:

  • Improved the performance of our rate requests.
  • Added the ability to partially restore attributes from the ZapietID
  • Fixed the issue related to the checkout widget, where, in some cases, the ZapietID and the attributes didn’t match.
  • Fixed issues with the LMD rates not loading correctly.
  • Fixed the issue on stores using MRU currency code, where the widget failed to load due to missing metafields.
  • Fixed the issue with a warning error message appearing on Zapiet “Schedule order” POS tile which prevented you from scheduling orders.
Zapiet - Rates by Distance

Logs and performance improvements

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Shared by Merchant Support • April 04, 2024

Explore our newest Zapiet - Rates by Distance updates 👇👀

We have:

  • Improved our logs to display a 'No rates' error message when a customer doesn't receive a rate on the checkout page.
  • Optimized the performance of the app.
  • Changed the web font to match Shopify Polaris 12 guidelines.
New feature
Zapiet - Product Rates

Rate improvements and article updates

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Shared by Merchant Support • March 26, 2024

It's time for some Zapiet - Product Rates news! 📰

We have:

  • Added the ability to charge the rate per product group rather than per individual product.
  • Added in-app links to articles in our help center.
  • Improved the font and the design of the app.
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

Checkout widget, language locales, notifications and LMD bug fixes

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Shared by Merchant Support • March 18, 2024

We have smashed some bugs last week, check them out! 🐞🐛

  • We have hidden the fields related to the checkout from our Text and design settings. Due to recent Shopify changes, we cannot automatically update the checkout wording depending on the selected delivery option anymore. New merchants will need to manually add the language locales to their themes, so we’ve added that step to the setup guide.
  • There was a delay in updating notification templates — edited templates should now be visible in the emails immediately.
  • We have added the ability to restore the order’s attributes from the ZapietID when they are missing or dropped, mainly when the customers are redirected to third-party payment providers and their payment fails.
  • Previously, when using conditional activation in the checkout widget, only the product cost was considered. We now use the cart total to determine if your customers can select a certain delivery option.
  • We have fixe the bug with Last Mile Delivery providers, where if you had disabled the integration, their rates were still showing in the checkout.
  • We have fixed the bug where you couldn’t add custom rates when using POS and Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery rates.
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery
New feature

Customizing payment methods, checkout widget improvements and much more!

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Shared by Merchant Support • March 08, 2024

We are thrilled to share many exciting Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery updates to help you give an even better experience to your customers ✨🥂🤓


  • You can now customize your payment methods depending on the delivery option.
  • Shopify Plus merchants can now enable the order status page app block and change the wording according to their needs in the Text and design settings.
  • We have improved our rates to support multiple states and provinces, which means that you can now charge different rates per region.
  • You can now choose if you want the time slot to be automatically selected or not, in both the cart and the checkout widget.
  • We have optimized the delivery validation to reduce Distance matrix API cost for merchants who have many locations.
  • We have improved and optimized carrier integrations and order processing.

Checkout widget updates

  • You can now change the wording in the Text and design settings.
  • You can now show the calendar instead of the dropdown. This is a default behavior for new merchants.
  • You can now use geographic search to improve customer experience when your store has many locations.
  • The delivery rate stayed selected when switching from delivery to pickup option. The rates will now reload when switching delivery options.
  • Previously, we couldn’t display more than 300 locations. We have now added pagination, so all of your locations will be visible.
  • We have fixed the bug where the date picker for shipping wasn’t working correctly if conditional activation was enabled.

Bug fixes

  • Orders were temporarily not being sent to the LMD provider Trexity. Order should now be sent as expected.
  • Exporting orders after you’ve searched for them wasn’t working as expected. All orders should now be exported correctly.
  • The incorrect number of orders was shown after filtering and selecting specific orders. We now show the correct number of selected orders when they are filtered.
  • Last Mile Delivery integrations were not working correctly when location-based rates were added. This should now be working as expected.
  • Previously, incorrect breadcrumbs were showing when opening the Fleet management settings. All breadcrumbs should now be showing correctly.
  • We have fixed the bugs with the POS, where dates for the date restricted products weren’t showing.
Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code

Logs improvements, performance boost and web font update

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Shared by Merchant Support • March 06, 2024

Explore our newest Zapiet - Rates by Zip Code updates 👇👀

  • We have added the ability to show delivery zone name on the logs page.
  • We have improved the performance of the partial postcode matching method.
  • We have changed the web font to match Shopify Polaris 12 guidelines.
  • We have removed the additional save button at the button of the settings page.
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

Rate bug fixes and Recharge integration improvements

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Shared by Merchant Support • February 12, 2024

New improvements are here! 🚀

  • We have improved the Recharge date incrementation integration to make sure all scenarios are covered.
  • We have fixed a bug with the Carrier Service API rates. If a digital product was the first on the list in a mixed cart, the rates would fail. We now add the ZapietID only to products that require shipping.
  • We have fixed a bug where fallback rates weren't working as expected on draft orders when Rates by Distance or Rates by Zip Code apps were integrated within Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery. If you have those apps integrated, their rates should show in a list when adding rates to draft orders.
Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery
New feature

Zapier and Recharge integration updates, Widget API improvements and much more!

Merchant Support avatar
Shared by Merchant Support • February 01, 2024

Another exciting chapter of Zapiet updates, waiting for you to explore and utilize them! 🕵️‍♀️👀

  • We have added the ability to change the “Continue shopping” link in the delivery validator widget.
  • We have made accessibility improvements on the newest version of our widget.
  • We have added the phone number field to the location settings. You can now use it as an attribute in your email notifications and show it in the “More information" pop-up on the cart page.
  • We have added the ability to send shipping orders to Zapier and automatically update order details in Zapier when you update them within our app.
  • We have improved our integration with Recharge, to minimize limitations.
  • We have added conditional activation and preparation time to our widget API.

Bug fixes

  • We have hidden the Text and design fields that aren’t used on the newest version of our widget.
  • Previously, when you changed the weight format in the settings, the rate conditions didn’t correctly update. This is now working as expected.
  • We have fixed a bug with date restricted products, where if you have a mixed cart with products that were allowed and disabled on some dates, all dates were blocked in the calendar. We will now show the correct available dates in the calendar.
  • We have updated the product-specific preparation time feature to make sure the longest preparation time is respected in all scenarios.
  • Previously, when you didn’t have the first location pre-selected, the pickup map wasn’t working as expected. We now show your locations in the map alphabetically if no locations are selected.
  • We now prevent you from editing or adding details to a draft order without selecting a location. You will see an error message instructing you to select a location.
  • We have fixed the issue with the time picker not working as expected when the pickup frequency was set to 20 minutes. Time picker should now work as expected with all frequencies.