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Week 19 • Bug fixes and inventory integration & rates page improvements

Merchant Support avatar
Shared by Merchant Support • May 13, 2024

We've successfully tackled some bugs in our apps last week! 🐛

Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery

  • We’ve corrected the issue on the rates page where the “Free pickup rate” checkbox remained unticked even after setting the default rate amount to £0.
  • We’ve resolved an issue when the “Add rate” button in the Rate Setup Wizard was automatically preselected for the new installs.
  • We've also addressed the problem where an authentication message was displayed when trying to use the Shopify inventory integration feature.

Zapiet - Product Rates

  • There was a minor issue with the “Add products” modal when attempting to add more products immediately after closing it. You can now open the modal without any issues.
  • An unwanted zero appeared at the bottom of the settings page when rates were disabled—we've resolved this.
  • The problem that prevented some of you from enabling or disabling Zapiet - Product Rates has been fixed.

Zapiet - Rates by Distance

  • We've resolved the problem where certain rate conditions were not functioning correctly on some stores.