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Improvements and bug fixes

Merchant Support avatar
Shared by Merchant Support • September 05, 2023

Hi there,

Explore the new chapter of improvements and bug fixes in Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery! 👇📖

We have:

  • Improved the UI for blackout dates and product availability for specific dates of the year. You can now filter your dates by months and years for easier management and delete multiple dates at once.
  • Added the ability to integrate with LangShop.
  • Added the "Override latitude and longitude" setting to CSV export and import.
  • Hidden the shipping time zone setting when shipping date picker is disabled.
  • Added the filter by country and by trusted partners within our Last Mile Delivery page.
  • Added the ability to request an integration with a new delivery courier.
  • Separated integrations into their own settings section, and divided them into Last Mile Delivery, Fleet management and External services so you can search and manage them more easily.
  • Improved the POS integration.

We have fixed the bugs:

  • With inconsistencies in handling date availability and product date restrictions between pickup and delivery. This is now working as expected.
  • Where the location was selected based on radius even though the validation method was set to maximum driving distance. Delivery locations will now be selected based on driving distance, as expected.
  • On certain themes, where pickup map didn’t load when first visiting the store. The pickup map is now loading correctly.
  • With delivery validation by driving distance validating addresses slower than usual on stores with over 100 locations. Address validation should now be working as expected.
  • With some wording issues within the app admin.
  • On certain themes, where the Google pickup location map would show correctly in the regular cart, but it would show an error in the ajax cart. The map is now showing correctly in both carts.
  • Where duplicate shipping zones would appear in the Rates tab when switching to legacy rates.
  • With importing locations, where you would get a parsing error when trying to update an existing location. You can now import locations without issues.
  • Where if you hid all methods with the Zapiet.hide() function, the checkout was not enabled automatically. You can now check out as expected when all methods are hidden.
  • On certain themes, where the “Add to cart” button didn’t redirect to the cart page when you tried to add a second item to the cart. This is now working as expected.
  • With double loading icons showing when using pagination for pickup locations in the widget. This is now working as expected.
  • On certain themes, with checkout method buttons being aligned to the left when using custom icons. Checkout method buttons are now centered, as expected.