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Feature update

Improvements and bug fixes

Merchant Support avatar
Shared by Merchant Support • March 31, 2023

Hi there,

We have added new improvements and bug fixes to Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery! 🎉

We have:

  • Added the ability to dismiss the "Action Required for digital products" message in the dashboard.
  • Improved the wording and spacing in the "Delete locations" modal.
  • Added links to the products within the location so you can test the settings more easily.
  • Improved the way of adding and editing the blackout dates. They will now be grouped by month so you can manage them more easily.
  • Started automatically subscribing new merchants who approve email contact to our SorryApp status page updates, in order to improve communication when downtime or issues occur.
  • Added the note to the Shopify inventory integration settings to make it clearer that only one location in Zapiet can be connected to the one location in Shopify.
  • Removed the "Disable" button on the top of the Last Mile Delivery integrations—you can now disable the integration at the bottom of the page, by clicking the red "Disable" button.
  • Improved the "More information" field within the location as it now supports HTML.
  • Added a message to remind you to create shipping rates if you have the shipping method enabled.
  • Improved the wording on the "Google maps API key required" modal in the setup guide.
  • Added the ability to print orders with Orderly Print and Order Printer Pro, directly from the order view.
  • Improved notification templates.

We have fixed the bugs:

  • Where the checkbox for the order total was showing in a separate row in the Google calendar integration. This is now working as expected.
  • On the plans page, where the translations were missing for additional charges. You should now be able to view additional charges per locations and per orders.
  • Where the changelog updates were not showing on all of our supported languages. Updates should be showing in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
  • With date restricted products, where no dates were visible when editing existing dates. Now, you should be able to edit existing dates as expected.
  • Where the link to open Google Maps within an order wasn't working correctly on iOS devices. This is now working as expected.
  • With the "Override longer preparation time" setting for delivery—this setting is now working as expected.
  • Where the locations weren't showing correctly in the widget when you would disconnect the inventory integration. All locations in Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery should now show instantly when you disable the inventory integration.
  • In the product availability section in your locations, the products you've already added would show in the list to be added again. We will now show only products that you haven't added to the "Specific products" list already.
  • Where the “Automatically fulfill new orders” setting would be disabled if you disconnected and re-connected the inventory. Now, the settings we'll be properly saved for the next time you enable inventory.
  • With Roadie and Axlehire settings not loading correctly within the Zapiet - Pickup + Delivery admin. Settings are loading correctly now.
  • Where updating the status for selected orders caused a blank order page. Updating order statuses is now working as expected.

Wishing you a great day! ✨